Our first poker night of 2005. We had seven players tonight . Finish: 1. AJ 10 2. Kevin 7 3. Jeff 5 4. Brian 3 5. Adena 1 6. Dave 1 7. Bobby 1 So that sets two at the final table, hopefully they can make it.
Poker night is coming up. Wednesday February 16, 2005 at 7:00 at my place. Let me know if you can make it. Todd could you please let Gerren know. You can either email me or respond to this blog (let's see how that works, hopefully we won't get any extraneous entries here). I'd like a count by Saturday. I'm in so that makes one. Brian
I'm moving my poker blog. I'm not happy with the responsiveness on this site so I'm moving it. There will be no more entries here. Go Here: http://4cs.blogspot.com/ It seems (to me) to be more customizable and better suits my needs and is much quicker (for me) than this one. See you there. Brian
The President's day game didn't go to bad. Seems like AJ's hot and Jeff's not. AJ picked up the pot again, I got a sloppy second. I didn't feel like I got to many good cards, enough though I shouldn't complain. I just have to stop going all in heads up witth a Q 7 offsuit, witht a K on the board. We played the entire game with the new Copag cards and I think they worked out fine. They are different than the KEM's but at 1/2 the price and more available, they worked out fine. I just...
Game two is in the books. We had a light crowd, five people, but the game was good. We tested out the new table covering, no more fuzzies. The black velveteen worked out pretty good. Along with the padding it was a pretty good surface. Next up is a rail. Let's hope I get it done by the next one. Maybe the warmer weather will bring out a few more players. A bounty system was introduced tonight, to add a litte extra to the game. It works like this: The winner from the previo...